Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Okay people thats put all stereotypes aside. You might not like soccer but I love it, and  i'm offended when people say its a field fairy sport. For the real soccer players at my age, soccer is physical and people aren't wusses, but for the pros they fall on any contact. Sometimes professional soccer is the only thing some people see of soccer and think soccer is for kids who can't take a hit. Thats why I think if you want to see real soccer visit the high school games. You will be surprised! As a player you don't just need to be fast you need to be conditioned, coordinated, and physical. For all the nonbelievers, its harder than it looks.


  1. Hey, my name is Heather, and i actually know a lot of people that are in soccer, and I think it's kind of rude whenever people are stereo-typical about things like this ... People should learn that everyone has different interests and not everyone is going to like the same things, but I think soccer is actually kind of fun.! :)

  2. I am not a huge soccer fan but I agree that the pros fall over at any contact. Here is my sports blog you might want to read if you are interested in most sports. By the way my name is Thomas and I love almost any sport.


  3. Youre right hux, Soccer players aren't wusses
