Thursday, May 24, 2012


I'm probably not the one you should take advice from about friendships, but I know one thing though. Friendships are very important in life. They can help you through the tough times or enjoy the good ones. Life is so much easier knowing that people want you around. Sometimes friendships can hurt and I've learned that from personal experience. I have a friend or had one. I really don't know right now but we've been through fights and all the bad stuff; jealousy,anger,confusion,etc. Even with all that somehow we were still friends. When it was going good it was amazing. When it was terrible...Yeah you get the point. What am trying to say is that sometimes friendships come easy and others you have to work for it. Either way I don't know how I would live without them.

Monday, May 21, 2012


My family doesn't always agree on things but one thing we do is fishing. Everybody in my family loves it and can't get enough of it. My whole summer usually revolves around three things; friends,SCFF, and fishing. My favorite part about fising is the feeling you get when you feel the fish tugging on the other end and wondering what do I have this time. I have plenty of fishing stories to tell you but I want to hear yours. Whats your best fishing story?

Image  by

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dream Job

Image by get directly down

My dream job would have to be a dentist. Your probably asking "Why a dentist?"Well my father is one of the local dentists in my town and I would like to follow in his footsteps. Mainly because growing up with the staff and hanging out in the break room showed me what really goes on in there and how its like a second family. I also want to be a dentist because it looks easy to be honest. It also helps that if I get stuck on something I can ask my Dad.

Monday, April 30, 2012


I just got back from one of the best weeks of my life with all my friends at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center. My classmates and I spent a week up in the arrowhead of Minnesota near Lake Superior learning about the environment and having fun. This trip wasn't handed to us though. Each student that went had to work 10 hours for each school year in the Jr. High section of the school. I also did plenty of stuff up there like; hiking,orienteering,catching small mammals,getting up close to deer and other animals, and even walking on a beaver dam. Its a really cool place and I hope I can visit another time in my life.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Creative Commons

I'm pretty sure that everyone has taken an image from Google images , but did you know that if the artist did not give you permission its considered stealing. To prevent this the creative commons was created. The creative commons gives options to the artist if they want to share it freely or keep it safe. The video to the right explains everything!


 Picture by ALL CHROME

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hey guys here are a couple of my friends blogs you should check out!
These blogs are about current events and  experiences. They are all great writers and all of them have different personalities. Check it out in the links above!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Health Care in The Supreme Court

In the Supreme Court they just finished up arguments about the 2010 health care bill about a crucial flaw that might violate part of the constitution. If it does they might have to consider changing the bill totally.
This bill would make health care mandatory for a certain income level. This is what makes this so controversial. Some states don't want to force citizens to purchase health care. I hope people aren't forced to.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games!!

Tonight is the night! The night where me and my friends are going to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games. I have been waiting for the movie ever since I finished the first book. Something you should know is that i'm not a very big reader. So when I do like a book it must be good!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another one!

Questions for My Mentor

1.What's your favorite sport?
2. Hows the weather where your at? It's perfect where I'm at!
3.Whats your favorite animal?
4. Are you a teacher? If so what grade?
5. Do you have any kids?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I'm sorry to all the girls out there, but we had to do this!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Okay people thats put all stereotypes aside. You might not like soccer but I love it, and  i'm offended when people say its a field fairy sport. For the real soccer players at my age, soccer is physical and people aren't wusses, but for the pros they fall on any contact. Sometimes professional soccer is the only thing some people see of soccer and think soccer is for kids who can't take a hit. Thats why I think if you want to see real soccer visit the high school games. You will be surprised! As a player you don't just need to be fast you need to be conditioned, coordinated, and physical. For all the nonbelievers, its harder than it looks.

Monday, March 12, 2012

T'wolves Die Hard !!

The title is pretty much self explanatory. Yes I'm a Timberwolves fan! I don't know why really, but ever since I saw Damien Wilkins hit the game winning shot against the Nets I've been hooked!

Friday, February 24, 2012

What's up World!

Hey! My name is Ryan and I'm Fourteen. I like hanging out with my friends and playing sports. My favorite movie is Avatar, and my favorite book is The Hunger Games. This is My first blog and I'm looking forward to hearing your voice in the comments. My main goal is to talk about what you want to hear. If you want me to talk about something post it in the comments.